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You may be eligible to receive money back

Homeowners and renters are missing out on millions of dollars in tax relief.  Use the resources below to learn more.

Kansas Program Overview

Property Tax-Aide features two programs in Kansas: The Homestead Refund and Kansas Property Tax Relief for Low Income Seniors (SAFESR). A claimant may receive either a Homestead or a SAFESR refund but not both.

Those who qualify for a SAFESR refund should also complete a Homestead refund claim in order to determine which refund claim will give them the largest refund. Once it is determined which claim would provide the largest refund – FILE ONLY ONE REFUND CLAIM – either the SAFESR (K-40PT) or the Homestead (K-40H) – BUT NOT BOTH.

The information on this page is updated as new information becomes available by the relevant tax agencies.

Homestead Refund

The Homestead Refund is a rebate program for the property taxes paid by homeowners. The refund is based on a portion of the property tax paid on a Kansas resident’s home. The maximum refund is $700.


To qualify you must be a Kansas resident, living in Kansas the entire year. Your total household income must be $40,500 or less. You must also meet one of the following requirements:
  • You were born before Jan. 1, 1967; OR
  • You must have been blind or totally and permanently disabled all of 2023, regardless of your age; OR
  • You must have a dependent child who lived with you the entire year who was born before January 1, 2023, and was under the age of 18 the entire year.

Application Deadline

File your claim after December 31, 2023 but no later than April 15, 2024.

Required Documentation

Please include all household income. Household income includes, but is not limited to:
  • Taxable and nontaxable wages, salaries, and self-employment income.
  • Federal earned income tax credit (EITC).
  • Taxable and nontaxable interest and dividends.
  • Social Security and SSI benefits. The amount included depends on which refund claim you file: K-40H – 50% of Social Security and SSI benefits (except disability payments – see Excluded Income). K-40PT – 100% of Social Security and SSI benefits (except disability payments – see Excluded Income). K-40SVR - 50% of Social Security and SSI benefits (except disability payments – see Excluded Income).
  • Railroad Retirement benefits (except disability payments).
  • Veterans’ benefits and all other pensions and annuities (except disability payments).
  • Welfare and Temporary Assistance to Family (TAF) payments.
  • Unemployment, worker’s compensation and disability income.
  • Alimony received.
  • Business and farm income.
  • Gain from business or investment property sales and any long-term capital gains included in federal adjusted gross income.
  • Net rents and partnerships (cannot be a negative figure).
  • Foster home care payments, senior companion stipends, and foster grandparent payments.
  • School grants and scholarships (unless paid directly to the school).
  • Gambling winnings, jury duty payments, and other miscellaneous income.
  • ALL OTHER INCOME received in 2023 not specifically excluded (as follows).
Excluded Income — DO NOT include these items as household income:
  • 50% of Social Security and SSI payments. This exclusion applies only to the Form K-40H and K-40SVR. K-40PT filers will report 100% of Social Security and SSI payments.
  • Social Security disability payments.
  • Social Security and SSI payments that were Social Security “disability or SSI disability” payments prior to a recipient reaching full retirement age. These Social Security payments, that were once Social Security disability (or SSI disability) payments, are NOT included in household income
If applying under the Disabled or Blind qualification, the Kansas Department of Revenue must have on file documentation of permanent disability or blindness for your homestead claim. If you do not have documentation you must enclose with Form K-40H either
  • A copy of your Social Security statement showing that your disability began prior to 2023, or
  • Schedule DIS (from page 11 of application) completed by your doctor.

Additional Information & Resources

Please visit the Kansas Department of Revenue’s Homestead Refund webpage for more information about the program, including how to apply.

For questions about this program, please call the taxpayer assistance line at 785-368-8222 and press option 4 at the first prompt and then option 3 on the second prompt.

Kansas Property Tax Relief for Low Income Seniors (SAFESR)

The Property Tax Relief claim (K-40PT) allows a refund of property tax for low-income senior citizens that own their home. The refund is 75% of the property taxes actually and timely paid on real or personal property used as their principal residence. Claimants that receive this refund cannot claim a Homestead refund.


Who qualifies for a SAFESR refund?
  • Kansas resident all of 2023,
  • Owned and occupied a home in Kansas during 2023,
  • Aged 65 years or older for all of 2023 (born before January 1, 1958) and
  • "Household income" of $23,700 or less in 2023, and
  • House cannot be valued at more than $350,000.

Application Deadline

The Form K-40PT may be filed with the Kansas Department of Revenue anytime between January 1, 2024 and April 15, 2024.

Required Documentation

Please include all household income. Income for SAFESR purposes is the same as "household income" for Homestead refund purposes. It is generally all income - taxable and nontaxable - received by all household members during 2023 - TO INCLUDE 100% of Social Security Benefits received. "Household Income" DOES NOT INCLUDE:
  • Social Security Disability payments,
  • SSI Disability payments,
  • Railroad Disability payments or,
  • Veterans Disability payments.

Additional Information & Resources

Please visit the Kansas Department of Revenue’s Homestead Refund webpage for more information about the program, including how to apply.

For questions about this program, please call the taxpayer assistance line at 785-368-8222 and press option 4 at the first prompt and then option 3 on the second prompt.

Your Resources

Your state accepts digital and mailed applications

Property Tax-Aide has independently selected the property tax relief programs featured on this website that we think are the most relevant and beneficial to older adults. It is not an exhaustive list of all property tax relief programs available in each state. Please consult your local tax agency for a comprehensive listing of property tax relief programs in your area.

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